
At the Furniture Fair in Stockholm 7th-11th of February 2023. An exhibition about the invisible climate impact of our furniture, and about the power of choice. 

My favorite media sources for solutions and climate change.

Climate Change in English; 

An exhibition at the Swedish Furniture Fair 2016 called “Where does it come from, where does it go?” An exhibition where Emma together with IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute explored how much carbon footprint the material Emma work with emit.

Sometimes it can be difficult to know what you can do to improve our chances of avoiding large temperature increases. Here I have compiled the points I think are most important after lissen to what the science say;

Designer Emma Olbers and Emeco CEO Gregg Buchbinder discussed how the furnitureindustry can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in this panel discussion at Stockholm Furniture Fair in February 2020.

To count out a product´s total CO2e is very important if you want to know the real carbon footprint. This can be pretty expencive but the Swedish Comapany Doconomy have made a free beta version. 

Kate Raworth is known for her work on ‘doughnut economics’, which she understands as an economic model that balances between essential human needs and 

is a creative and interdisciplinary initiative by European Union.

My focus when designing furniture is that they should be as environmental friendly as possible, which for me is as low greenhouse gas emissions as possible. The choice of material is the most important, it accounts for about 50% of a furniture’s total emissions/CO2e. Longevity is another importan

Solutions on how to halve the emissions by 50% until 2030 by the Exponential Roadmap.

If you want to have deeper knowledge about the greenhouse effect and the global warming is this a perfect booklet

There are three ways to calculate emissions per person; consumption-based, production-based and territorial. In general, it can be said that it is the extent geographically that differs, ie whether the emissions occur within the country’s borders or if you also include outside. The consumption-ba

This is a map of potential tipping points on the Earth systems or domino effects that we will get with a rising temperature(Fig. 1)(Steffen et al., 2018) which, in the worst case, could lead to a so-called Hothouse Earth scenario (Fig. 2), (Steffen et al., 2018).

The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. It was adopted by 196 Parties at COP 21 in Paris, on 12 December 2015 and entered into force on 4 November 2016.

One of the best ways to understand carbon emissions is to calculate your own carbon footprint, and reflect over what has high verses low impact.

This were an exhibition of a small collection of furniture that I designed and showed at Designgalleriet during Stockholm Design week 2012. The main questions were environmentally.

“A circular economy is based on the principles of designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems”, says Ellen MacAthur.

Planetary boundaries is a concept involving Earth system processes that contain environmental boundaries.